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What are the benefits of remote work?

Remote work – a new era of work, which is getting more popular day by day. With
the coronavirus outbreak, every company shifted to work from home. However,
remote work persisted earlier as well,  but the pandemic situation fueled this trend.
Companies started working from home to avoid the risk of the virus, but now
everyone is enjoying its benefits. As we all know, remote work has multiple
advantages. Both employees and employers benefit from remote work. This
informative blog will take you through the several advantages of working remotely.

1. Flexibility and freedom

The freedom to work from anywhere and in any clothes is indescribable. Remote
work allows employees to work from their comfort zones and be more productive.
They don’t even need to get up early and dress up for the office. A report by Gallup’s
State of the American Workplace stated that employees are more productive when
they work for 3 to 4 hours offsite.

2. Improved work-life balance

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is better work-life balance.
Some remote jobs come with flexible schedules, which simply means employees can
start and end their day at their convenience. They just need to complete the work in
a day, no matter which time. This flexibility over the work schedule boosts them and
makes them feel better. Moreover, they can take time for their workouts, drop off
kids, spend time with their families, etc. Remote work offers a better work-life
balance to employees.

3. No commute stress

The commute is the most stressful thing when it comes to going to the office every
day. The average one-way commute time in America is 27 minutes, which is nearly
one hour a day. Rather than wasting time on the commute, candidates can do
something more productive while working remotely.

4. Reduced absenteeism

Remote work is beneficial not only for employees but also for employers. It is really
helpful in preventing absenteeism and retaining employees. When employers trust
their employees, employees feel valued. They start to work even harder to meet all
expectations of the managers. Moreover, almost every candidate looks for a

company that offers this flexibility. If you provide this option, employees will likely
stay for longer.

5. Higher productivity

Contrary to all beliefs, employees are more productive while working remotely. A
Great Place to Work report stated that the most productive months were April and
May in 2020, when corona was at its peak. This is simply due to the elimination of
lengthy face-to-face meetings and the daily commute.

Wrapping it up

Remote work has proven to be excellent in terms of productivity and business
growth. Additionally, it improves the daily well-being of employees, making them
healthier. They feel happy and deliver the best work.


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